iCloud sync

🛠 Planned

I carry two iPhones and to have the app sync through iCloud is a big feature for me. Maybe for others as well.


1 year ago

Boris from DejaView changed status to 🛠 Planned

2 months ago

Boris from DejaView

Thanks for your feedback and the idea.

Let me investigate this further. While iCloud sync generally should not be a big challenge, iCloud sync would impact the Auto-Update feature of Business cards: in order to auto-update the card, DejaView uses the identifier of the contact.
The identifier uniquely identifies a contact on the device, and only on the current device. This is a factor, that needs to be considered, when adding iCloud sync to DejaView.

I added this feature to Wish list to gather votes and will populate the Roadmap with high rated ideas from the Wish list step-by-step.

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Boris from DejaView changed status to 👍 Gathering votes

1 year ago

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